Romanian Govt Fills Vacant Position Within The Securitate Archive Study Council

The Romanian Government asked TV producer Lucia Hossu-Longin to represent the Executive in the National Council for the Study of Securitate Archives (CNSAS), on the position left vacant when Constantin Ticu Dumitrescu passed away, Hossu Longin told MEDIAFAX.


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Romanian Govt Fills Vacant Position Within The Securitate Archive Study Council

"I was called from the Government and asked if I want to be in the Council and I accepted. I don’t know what the procedures are from here on. They have not yet announced me if procedures are complete. To my understanding I need validation from the Parliament ," Lucia Hossu Longin said.

The proposition comes approximately one week after Constantin Ticu Dumitrescu’s death.
According to the website of the Institute for the Investigation of the Crimes of Communism in Romania, Lucia Hossu-Longin is the vice-president of the “Civic Academy,” a foundation that manages the Sighet Memorial Museum. Before 1989 she was a television producer in the Film, TV Series and Theater Department of the Romanian Television and writer within the Theater and Film Studio.

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