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HP Romania Eyes Hiring 600 People At Bucharest-Based Services Center GeBOC In 2011

Hewlett Packard (HP) Romania plans to hire 600 people in 2011 at its Bucharest-based services center Global eBusiness Operations (GeBOC), which is similar to the number of people hired in 2010, GeBOC general manager Alexander Weigl said in a press conference Thursday.
HP Romania Eyes Hiring 600 People At Bucharest-Based Services Center GeBOC In 2011

Weigl said Romania is an interesting market, but, unfortunately, university graduates are poorly trained and their skills have deteriorated over the past few years. He added foreign languages will be a requirement for employment.

The GeBOC center had 2,500 employees at the end of October and the average age within the company is 26.

GeBOC is currently unfolding a project via the Sectoral Operational Program for Human Resources Development 2007-2013 (SOP HRD), which offers foreign language training to its employees. The program includes 21 employees who provide support for local and foreign clients.

The project is co-financed via the European Social Fund through the SOP HRD 2007-2013 and amounts to EUR360,000. According to Weigl, the project targets to develop the multi-lingual capabilities of the company’s employees.

The program includes 321 employees who will take 3,000 hours of training courses to obtain a certificate for one of the following languages: French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German and Dutch.

Business planning manager Mihai Moisescu said the company aims to have at least 95% of employees using their multi-lingual skills to increase competitiveness and job productivity during a three-year period.

GeBOC provides high-value and cost-effective remote processing services to customers in the EMEA-region (Europe, Middle East and Africa). Its specialists with multi-lingual capabilities support financial and administrative business processes for partners and customers in the region.

The center’s activity is structured in five divisions, namely, Global Business Services, Imaging and Printing Group, Personal Systems Group, Technology Solutions Group and Finance.

HP Romania, the local subsidiary of American HP Group, the worlds’ largest IT equipment producer, reported a turnover of 201.7 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2960) and pre-tax profit of RON50.2 million in 2009.