Romanian Govt Might Seek Conf Vote To Pass Public Sector Wage Law

Romania’s Prime Minister Emil Boc said Tuesday the Government might seek a confidence vote in parliament to pass the IMF-required public sector wage law, but a final decision would be made within the ruling coalition.


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Romanian Govt Might Seek Conf Vote To Pass Public Sector Wage Law

"This is a decision to be made in the coalition but the possibility is not excluded," Boc said when asked whether he plans to seek a confidence vote to pass the law, as he did last week to pass the education bill.

The prime minister added the bill, which must be adopted for the country to continue to receive money from a EUR20 billion IMF-led loan, is among the Government's priorities and is nearly finalized.

Romania needs to adopt the public sector wage law, approve the 2011 state budget and reform its pension system before the IMF releases the next tranche of the loan. The IMF is expected to release the money in January 2011, a month later than originally scheduled.

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