Romanian Govt Might Seek Confidence Vote In Parliament To Pass Education Bill

Romania’s Government will seek a confidence vote in Parliament to pass the country’s draft education law as adopted by the Chamber of Deputies, if debates in the Senate on the draft act are not finished in the upcoming period, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Saturday.


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Romanian Govt Might Seek Confidence Vote In Parliament To Pass Education Bill

The prime minister highlighted that a decision in this respect will be taken by the ruling Coalition, adding the issue will be discussed in a Government meeting Monday.

Deputy Prime Minister Marko Bela told a news conference earlier Saturday that he will propose for consideration the issue regarding a confidence vote on the education bill in a Coalition meeting. He stressed that the draft act adopted by the Chamber of Deputies is supported both by the Government and the education minister.

The education bill was adopted by the Chamber of Deputies on May 19 and is pending approval by the Senate.

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