Romanian Govt Might Take Responsibility For Civil, Criminal Codes - Sources

The Romanian government will send the Civil, Criminal and their respective procedure Codes to be debated in Parliament for two months and then plans to take responsibility for their adoption, sources close to the talks told MEDIAFAX late Tuesday.


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Romanian Govt Might Take Responsibility For Civil, Criminal Codes - Sources

Leaders of the ruling coalition Democratic Liberal Party and Social Democratic Party and the main government members decided Tuesday evening in talks with President Traian Basescu that the government is to submit the codes for debates in Parliament next week.
People who took part in the talks told MEDIAFAX that an agreement was reached to have the codes debates in Parliament, as the government wanted, and then have the government take responsibility for their adoption, as the president suggested.
Basescu invited Tuesday at the presidential palace officials of institutions responsible with reform in the judiciary system. Talks were attended by the chairs of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies, Prime Minister Emil Boc, deputy prime minister Dan Nica and justice minister Catalin Predoiu.
According to a press release of the president’s office, the meeting targeted an analysis of measures to be taken for Romania to meet its commitments to the European Union.
Justice minister Catalin Predoiu said last week said debates in Parliament over the Civil and Criminal Codes and their respective procedure codes should be sped up. He also said the alternative is for the government to assume responsibility for the codes.

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