Romanian Govt OKs Drafts Of Criminal, Civil Codes

Romanian government on Wednesday approved the Criminal Code draft, as well as the drafts of the Criminal Procedure Code and the Civil Procedure Code, Prime Minister Emil Boc said.


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Romanian Govt OKs Drafts Of Criminal, Civil Codes

He said the Codes introduce several new positions, such as the judge for citizens’ rights and liberties or the judge in charge with analyzing cases before they reach the trial chamber.
The introduction of the latter position will eliminate roadblocks, delays and unjustified prolongation of trials, Boc said.
Boc said the draft codes will be sent to the Parliament for debates, but that they will not be enacted as soon as they get the MP’s go ahead.
“There will be a reasonable period so that the authorities in the field, as well as the citizens, will get acquainted to these new judicial instruments,” Boc mentioned.

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