Romanian Govt Reduces By 25% Total No. Of Positions Within Youth, Sport Bodies

Publicat: 28 07. 2010, 18:51
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 10:05

The number of positions within youth and sports bodies will be reduced to 1,239 from 4,765.

By merging sports and youth county structures, 570 positions of a total of 1,920 will be eliminated. The Government cuts 37 positions within the National Authority for Sports and 1,239 within sport clubs and students’ cultural centers.

Education Minister Daniel Funeriu said the restructuring process will also affect the ministry’s central apparatus.

By restructuring these institutions, the state budget will save an estimated 9 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2531) this year, and RON27.5 million in a whole year.

The Government decided recently through an emergency decree to set up youth and sports county departments and the Bucharest Youth and Sports Department, following decisions to merge youth departments and sport departments in order to cut spending.