Romania Must Pay Back EUR75M To EC For Misuse Of EU Funds For Agriculture

Publicat: 15 04. 2011, 14:37
Actualizat: 11 11. 2012, 14:43

Problems in using agriculture subsidies in Romania refer to administrative cross-checks, inaccurate information provided to farmers and ineffective on-the-spot verification with regard to area aid (also relates to area based Rural Development measures), said the EC.

The total sum to be recovered by the Commission amounts to EUR530 million, with Greece to return EUR260 million, Spain EUR115 million, the UK EUR26.95 million, Bulgaria EUR24.54 million and the Netherlands EUR22.69 million.

According to the press release, the money will return to the budget of the European Union. EU member states are tasked with carrying out checkups concerning the use of subsidies granted within the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the Commission must see if EU member states used the money correctly, said the EC.

The financial correction is proportional with the rate of error. The decision was taken after talks between the Commission and Member States based on data and the risk of fund misuse.