Romanian Govt To Set Up Land Expropriation Fund For Road Construction - PM

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Saturday that he called on the Government to set up a special land expropriation fund for the construction of roads, as the state can no longer afford to pay for land expropriations, which are very costly.


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Romanian Govt To Set Up Land Expropriation Fund For Road Construction

Boc highlighted that the state paid EUR3.4 million for land expropriations to build the Lugoj eastern bypass road, southwestern Romania.

The prime minister said he asked the Government to set up a special fund to support land expropriation for infrastructure works and to co-finance European projects. Boc said that the money obtained by the state after selling its minority stakes will be used to finance the special land expropriation fund.

The prime minister and Transport Minister Radu Berceanu Saturday inspected works on the Lugoj eastern bypass road, a sector of the Trans-European Corridor IV in southwestern Romania.

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