Romanian Govt Ups Fines Ten Times For Farmers Failing To Report Sick Animals

The Romanian government approved a decision hiking ten times fines, which range from 3,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.2955) to RON6,000, for farmers failing to inform veterinarians, within maximum 48 hours, on suspicions of disease, death or culling of sick animals and failing to isolate sick animals.


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Romanian Govt Ups Fines Ten Times For Farmers Failing To Report Sick Animals

Fines will also be applied for selling meat from animals either sick or slaughtered until the vet's arrival and for incompliance with animal transport restrictions and bio-security norms within farms.

The new rules regarding fines will be enforced within ten days and fines will be applied by police officers and sanitary-veterinary inspectors.

The government decision keeps valid provisions whereby the state grants compensations, except the sums recovered by capitalizing animal products, in order to extinguish outbreaks of diseases transmitted to animals.

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