Romanian Econ Min Calls State Of Emergency Over Russian Gas Cut

Publicat: 07 01. 2009, 13:07
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:11

"The state of emergency offers the possibility of direct negotiation to acquire fuel for the safety of supplying," Videanu stated.

Videanu called an urgent meeting Wednesday morning with the representatives of the National Energy Authority ANRE, oil company Petrom, gas pipeline operator Transgaz and gas distributors Distrigaz, for talks on the issue.

The minister said the current gas reserves are enough for 60-80 days.

The state of emergency decision would also allow Transgaz manage the system operatively and supply gas according to priorities.

"Our priority is to continue to reduce gas deliveries to thermal plants and switch to alternative fuels (fuel oil, coal – e.n.)," Videanu added.

The minister also assured that household consumers will not be affected by the situation, while industrial users may face certain problems only if temperatures fall below -15 Celsius degrees. At the same time, several industrial companies will postpone restarting their activity by next week.

All Russian gas supplies to Romania were halted Wednesday morning, after deliveries were cut at Mediesu Aurit gas import station at around GMT0700. Gas supplies via the other gas import station, Isaccea, were cut Tuesday morning.