Romanian Health Min Says Medical Leaves Dn 30% After New Regulations Enforced
Romania’s new medical leave system implemented in 2010 led to a 30% reduction in the number of medical leave certificates issued over the past months, compared to the beginning of the year, the Health Ministry said in a press release Friday.
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According to the press release, over 2,600,000 medical leave certificates were issued in 2009, and their number decreased to 713,437 over the past nine months.
Since mid-May 2010, the Health Insurance National Fund was allotted over 2,000,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.2687) resulted from the 443 fines applied for irregularities in issuing medical leave certificates.
According to the ministry, in the May-August interval, health insurance house representatives checked over 5,300 doctors and 1,500 people who took medical leave. Following checkups, 792 doctors were fined and payment of social security benefits for the leave period was cancelled or postponed in the case of 300 employees, for breaching regulations.
Moreover, health insurance houses cancelled 92 conventions signed with doctors tasked with issuing medical leave certificates.
Romania's new law regarding medical leave, which tightens conditions for employees who can request medical leave and introduces a verification system and higher penalties for people demanding such leave without reason, came into force on May 17.
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