Romania’s Budget Spending Way Above Employees’ Job Performance, Govt’s Resources – Fin Min
Vladescu stressed that, despite a strict budget deficit, the country keeps spending „enormously,” which further hinders investments in its infrastructure, farming sector or healthcare system.
Vladescu said it is hard to reach a balance between the need for development and the need for social welfare and pointed out that, to get higher salaries and pensions, people must be fully aware of the dire need for investments.
„Romania will never reach growth and prosperity unless it earmarks funds for investments. A country with no investments cannot pay higher salaries and pensions,” Vladescu added.
He also highlighted that Romania ranks seventh among European Union member states with respect to salary costs, while Germany ranks first with the lowest salary costs as weight in the gross domestic product.
According to European Union statistical office Eurostat, salaries in Romania account for 31.1% of budget revenues and 10.2% of GDP.