Romanian Health System Union Sanitas Threatens To Picket Ministry HQ, Citing Insufficient Salaries

Romanian health system employees threaten to picket the Health Ministry’s headquarters on July 14, unhappy with the fact that wages in the system will not be covered until the end of the year, Sanitas union federation vice-president Adrian Barea told MEDIAFAX on Monday.


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Romanian Health System Union Sanitas Threatens To Picket Ministry HQ, Citing Insufficient Salaries

The union leader said he will request a meeting with officials of public health departments, health insurance houses and hospital managers on July 7. If the talks do not yield solutions, health system union members will picked the ministry’s headquarters on July 14.

Health minister Ion Bazac said Saturday that the ministry has the funds to provide salaries until the end of the year and also to finance national programs to allocate free medicine for several types of illnesses.

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