Romanian Healthcare Unionists Urge Health Min To Grant Overtime Pay To Doctors

Romanian union confederation Cartel Alfa and the Romanian Doctors’ Federative Chamber urge the Health Ministry to grant overtime pay to doctors, threatening protests.


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Romanian Healthcare Unionists Urge Health Min To Grant Overtime Pay To Doctors

Cartel Alfa said that, the same as other categories of employees, doctors should not be compelled to work overtime.

"If the idea is to get doctors in hospitals to do rounds and overtime, then they should be paid for that, as they have always been. The situation when hospitals will not provide rounds at weekends and holidays must be avoided, and legal measures to support doctors should be adopted," Cartel Alfa said in a press release Monday.

Unionists urge the Health Ministry to analyze the situation and grant overtime pay for doctors. They also said talks between the Romanian Doctors' Federative Chamber and the Health Ministry should be held in the presence of confederation representatives.

Healthcare unionists said, after talks in the bipartite Commission set up to simplify and improve the unitary wage law by assessing jobs in the public sector, that they are displeased both with the hierarchy quotients established for healthcare staff and the fact that in 2010 doctors will not receive double pay for working at weekends and holidays.

According to healthcare union leader Adrian Barea, the Commission's members said new criteria will be established so that certain quotients be modified. Despite this, unionists believe the wages of the staff working in the healthcare system will not see a major increase.

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