Romanian High Profile Corruption Case Sent Back To Prosecutors

The leaders of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies decided Wednesday, at the proposal of the legal committee, to send back to the Prosecutor’s Office the two case files involving social democrat MP Adrian Nastase, for which the prosecutor general had requested criminal investigation approvals.


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Romanian High Profile Corruption Case Sent Back To Prosecutors

The Chamber decided that the two requests will be sent back to the Prosecutor’s Office and comprehensive literature will be requested so that the Chamber can decide if it allows criminal investigations against Adrian Nastase, said Chamber Secretary Valeriu Zgonea after the Chamber Standing Office meeting.
He explained that the members of the legal committee felt the evidence sent by prosecutors has been cancelled by the High Court of Justice. According to Zgonea, the decision was made unanimously and will not be subject to vote in the plenary meeting of the Chamber of Deputies.
The report of the legal committee on the commencement of criminal investigations against Adrian Nastase under charges of bribery states that criminal sentence no. 650/2007 of the High Court of Justice imposes the restitution of the case to the prosecutors so that the case can be rebuilt in accordance with the procedures stated in Law 115/1999.
The legal committee said, in the report, that if the court decided the complete reprise of criminal investigations, then the criminal investigation structures need to comply with this measure and redo all criminal investigation documents.
The legal committee report is signed by committee vice president Florin Iordache and secretary George Baiesu (PSD) and states the meeting was attended by 20 deputies.

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