Romanian IM, Communication Service Alonia Reports 30,000 Clients

The total number of users of the online communications service Alonia, launched by communication services operator Media Sat on December 1, reached 30,383 clients Tuesday, according to data provided by the company.


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Romanian IM, Communication Service Alonia Reports 30,000 Clients

Compared to the previous day, the number of users grew by some 5,000 new clients. In average, 800 users are connected to the chat service in every moment and over 80 to the telephony and video telephony service.
The internet page of the service,, had some 129,500 visits so far, with most views, namely 116,999 coming from Romania. The number of unique visitors reached over 74,600 people. After Romania, the most website visits were from Spain and Italy, with over 3,180 each.
In addition, the page received 863 visits from Germany, 615 from the USA, 577 from Great Britain and 378 from the Republic of Moldova.
Alonia is the first Romanian online communications service, which provides telephone call services, video telephony and instant messaging. Telephone calls are free among users of Alonia, who receive a telephone number where they can be reached regardless of their location.
The fees for calls towards Romtelecom Bucharest are 0,9 eurocents / minute, calls to fixed national networks cost 1.5 eurocents/minute, while calls to mobile networks in Romania are charged 5.9 eurocents/minute.
Video-telephony calls are free among users of Alonia.
The instant messaging service allows IM chats among Alonia users. In addition, the Alonia messaging service is interoperable with the main services of this type on the market, namely Yahoo!, Google, MSN and AOL, thus Alonia users can contact the users of the other applications.
To perform calls towards telephony networks, Alonia users need to buy credit, after which they receive a free online telephone number that will allow them to transform their PC into a phone.
Alonia offers a geographically structured forum that helps local communities of Romanians abroad to communicate more.

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