Romanian Initiative Party President Gusa Resigns

Romanian MP Cozmin Gusa resigned from the leading position of the National Initiative Party, or PIN, following the weak results the party had in European Parliament elections.

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Romanian Initiative Party President Gusa Resigns

According to preliminary data provided by the Central Electoral Office, PIN received 2.64% of the votes.
Gusa told MEDIAFAX that according to article 64 of the party’s statute, a general meeting is called following the official results of any round of elections, to select a new structure for the party’s management within 45 days.
“This entails a resignation and I’ve decided to take responsibility for it. Vice-president Lavinia Sandru and party secretary general Valeriu Bordei will take over the party president’s attributions,” Gusa said, adding he called a party general meeting for Dec. 15.
Gusa also said the party was successful in some area, as it exceeded the 5% threshold in some counties, but admitted that PIN needs more “resources and organizations”.
“I need to think about whether I will run again for party president. I could do several things: I could be secretary general, or vice-president. Under no circumstances will I leave the party. I founded PIN to take it into parliament and I will be the last one to leave this party,” Gusa concluded.

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