Romanian Intelligence Service Fight For Other Causes Than Fmr Communist Secret Police - President

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Wednesday there is a fundamental difference between former secret police Securitate, which served the communist regime, and the current Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI).


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Romanian Intelligence Service Fight For Other Causes Than Fmr Communist Secret Police - President

Basescu told "those still bound to confuse" the two institutions that the former secret police used secret means to uphold a dictatorial regime, while the current intelligence service uses information to protect the law and the Constitution.

The president said some journalist and analysts are ironical or reproachful when referring to the means used by the SRI to collect information, adding the institution uses the same information collecting means as any other modern intelligence services in the world, when the country's security is at stake.

Basescu said information provided by intelligence services nowadays has quite a different use compared to what happened before the 1989 anticommunist Revolution and immediately after that moment.

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