Romanian Intelligence Services, Police, Army Employees Also Targeted By 25% Wage Cut

Romania’s Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu on Tuesday said the wages of the employees with the Romanian Intelligence Service, the Foreign Intelligence Service, the Protection and Surveillance Service, the Special Telecommunications Service, the Police and the Army will also be reduced by 25%.


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Romanian Intelligence Services, Police, Army Employees Also Targeted By 25% Wage Cut

Vladescu also said that pensioners who served these institutions will also be affected by the 15% pension cut included in the country's austerity plan.

The Government adopted this weekend the two draft laws which make up its austerity plan, cutting public sector salaries, pensions and social welfare benefits.

The Government will seek a confidence vote in Parliament for the two draft laws. One concerns budget expenditure cuts and the other regulates the new contribution-based pension system and reevaluating disability pensions.

The Government has pledged to bring the budget deficit to 6.8% of GDP under the terms of a EUR20 billion IMF-led rescue loan agreed last year.

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