Romanian Internet Users Appoint Leading Brands In Poll
Coca-Cola and Nokia were dubbed by Romanian internet users as the most trustworthy and popular brands online, while Dacia is a leader among Romanian brands, according to the study "Leading Brands by Romanian Internet Users," compiled by Gemius, in collaboration with Evensys.
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According to the study, Coca-Cola and Nokia are the most important brands among Romanian internet users with ages between 18 and 45, the two brands being perceived as popular and trustworthy. Among Romanian brands, Dacia is on the top position, with respect for its popularity and the confidence it inspires to consumers.
In the general chart of brands, compiled based on spontaneous answers from internet users, the top ten positions are held by Coca-Cola, Nokia, adidas, Nike, Dacia, McDonald's, Pepsi, Google, Microsoft and Yahoo. When it comes to trust, the configuration of the chart is as follows: Nokia, Coca-Cola, Mercedes, Nike, adidas, Sony, Pepsi, BMW, Microsoft and Audi. In the opinion of Romanian internet users, the brands with the greatest presence online are Google, Yahoo, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Nokia, Vodafone, Orange, Nike, adidas and Sony.
When it comes to Romanian brands, the ten most popular brands are Dacia, Arctic, Ursus, BCR, Unirea, Murfatlar, Bergenbier, Petrom, Eugenia and Dorna.
For Romanian and foreign brands present only online, the chart was dominated by Google and Yahoo, followed by, eBay, Neogen, eJobs,, YouTube, Amazon and On the other hand, when they were asked to choose from a series of online brands, Romanian internet users ranked first Google and Yahoo, followed by YouTube,,, Hi5,,,,,,,, and
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