Romanian, Italian Foreign Affairs Min To Hold Bilateral Summit In Bucharest
"In fall this year we will organize an intergovernmental Romanian – Italian summit, and the event will also include a forum of civil societies in both countries," Diaconescu said.
He added the idea and initiative for these projects came from his Italian counterpart, thanking him
Both events will be organized in Bucharest.
In his turn, Franco Frattini detailed the idea of unfolding the civil society forums in the two countries.
"Alongside the summit we will also hold this forum of civil societies in Romania, where representatives of these civil societies will meet in Romania. Thus we want to send a signal that there is a connection, not only between the Governments, but also a deep friendship between our two peoples," Fratini said.
He added civil society means representatives of worker groups, the university environment, volunteer organizations, as well as the media.