Romanian Jan-Feb FDI At EUR1.37B, Up 38% On Yr

Foreign direct investments, or FDI, in Romania rose 38% on the year to EUR1.37 billion in the first two months of 2009, the central bank said Tuesday.


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Romanian Jan-Feb FDI At EUR1.37B, Up 38% On Yr

Of the total foreign direct investments in the first two months of 2009, the equity stakes totaled 45.2%, while the net reinvested earnings totaled 16.4%.

Net credits, namely the direct loans taken by companies from foreign investors, minus the loans extended by the companies to the foreign investor or to another entity within its group, were 38.4% of the total FDI amount in the analyzed period.

February was the second month in a row in which FDI covered entirely the current account deficit.

Last year, Romania attracted foreign direct investments worth EUR9.02 billion, up 24.4% on the year, which financed 53.5% of the current account deficit, according to central bank data.

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