Romanian Journalist Dumitru Tinu Disinterred

The body of late Romanian journalist Dumitru Tinu was unearthed Monday morning to allow for further forensic investigations to determine whether the journalist died in a car accident.


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Romanian Journalist Dumitru Tinu Disinterred

Tinu’s son, Andrei Iucinu, said he was not officially announced when the disinterment would be performed and he came based on unofficial information. He was also not allowed access in the perimeter of his father’s grave.
Iucinu added he hopes the procedure would reveal new evidence that would help clear the circumstances of his father’s death.
"We’ve come here to dig for the truth," Iucinu said.
He added forensics would now have a clearer image of the physical trauma his father suffered.
Tinu died on January 1, 2003, allegedly in a car crash, but investigators have not yet ruled out the possibility of foul play. 

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