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Romanian Govt Asks Parliament To Resume Automobile Craiova Privatization Law Debates – Sources

The Romanian Government decided to ask the Senate to continue debates on the draft law privatizing car maker Automobile Craiova, which were suspended in October, when the European Commission launched an investigation searching for potential illegal state aid granted to American group Ford.
Romanian Govt Asks Parliament To Resume Automobile Craiova Privatization Law Debates - Sources
06 feb. 2008, 19:57, English

"The Executive decided to ask the Senate to continue debates on this draft law, even though the European Commission has yet to send an official reply on the legality of the transaction between the state and Ford. The draft law is under debate in the privatization committee of the Senate," Ministry sources told MEDIAFAX.

Government sources previously stated that Romania would receive approval from the Commission for the takeover of Automobile Craiova Ford, and after the transfer of property, talks would be continued between Romanian authorities and the Commission on the regional state aid for the training of employees and development of the infrastructure.

The commission asked Romania to suspend all subsidies pending investigation completion.

At that time, the Government delegated the minister in charge with Parliament relations, Mihai Voicu to ask the Parliament to postpone the debates on the draft law until Romanian authorities receive a reply from the Commission on this privatization.