Romanian justice minister Catalin Predoiu said Tuesday the country’s Criminal and Civil Codes, and their respective procedure codes, have been completed.
Romanian Justice Min Announces Completion Of Criminal, Civil Codes
The minister said all four codes were under public debate and the commissions drafting the acts analyzed thousands of amendments received.
Predoiu said the completion of the codes is a progress for the country’s legal system and the European Commission’s country report and Control Mechanism.
The minister said he thinks the needs of the legal system can be anticipated based on the four codes, and human resources policies can be drafted on the long term. He added the drafting of the four codes was not a condition imposed by the European Commission, but their completion would be noted as progress in the country report.
The codes need to be enacted by the Parliament and the future justice minister needs to back the laws in Parliament to get the necessary budget funds, Predoiu said.
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