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Romania Ranks Ten On Income From Immigrants Chart

Romania is ranked ten in the world when it comes to the sums of money sent, by immigrants working abroad, to their home countries, the value reaching $6.8 billion in 2007, according to a report compiled by the World Bank on a world level.
Romania Ranks Ten On Income From Immigrants Chart
02 dec. 2007, 18:53, English
The sum sent by Romanians is close to the one sent by German and British immigrants, which will reach $7 billion each.
In 2007, India, Mexico and China will be the countries that receive the most money from citizens working abroad. Thus, India will receive some $27 billion, ranking first in the World Bank chart, followed by China, with some $25.7 billion and Mexico, with $25 billion.
The top ten positions also include states with a high level of income, such as France, Spain and Great Britain.
On a world level, immigrants will send back some $318 billion, including some $240 billion that will reach developing countries.
World Bank estimations regarding the total value of sums sent by Romanian workers in this year, of $6.8 billion, are lower than those of Romanian central bank officials, of EUR6.3-6.4 billion ($9.2-9.3).