Romanian Labor Min Says Social Dialog Code Completed, Negotiations May Start

Romanian Labor Minister Ioan Botis said Saturday that the five draft laws that make up the Social Dialog Code have been completed and will be sent to the Parliament if the Government does not seek lawmakers' confidence vote to pass them into legislation.


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Romanian Labor Min Says Social Dialog Code Completed, Negotiations May Start

The minister said at a meeting with businessmen that he is waiting for social partners to accept negotiations on the five laws- the union law, the employer law, the law on collective work contracts, the work conflict law and the law regulating the Economic and Social Council.

Prime Minister Emil Boc on Tuesday sought a vote of confidence in Parliament to pass the country's new Labor Code. The opposition submitted a no-confidence motion in an attempt to overthrow the Government and the document will be put to the vote on March 16.

Romania's five major labor union confederations said they will hold a rally in Bucharest on March 16, expecting 50,000 people to attend, in protest to the new labor laws.

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