Romanian Labor Ministry In Charge Of Developing Public Sector Unitary Pay Law

Leaders of Romania’s governing coalition decided Monday the Ministry of Labor will be in charge of completing the draft single and unitary wage law for the public sector, which should be ready by the end of June, democrat liberal vice-president Gheorghe Flutur said.


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Romanian Labor Ministry In Charge Of Developing Public Sector Unitary Pay Law

"The unitary salary law should be completed by the end of June. The Ministry of Labor is in charge of completing the draft law,” Flutur said.

He added labor minister Marian Sarbu will work on the draft law together with finance minister Gheorghe Pogea and other ministers with attributions in the field.

The government approved a week ago the general principles for the draft law regulating public sector wags and decided to have it completed by end Juen and apply it over a period of three years.


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