Romanian Labor Ministry To Cut 1,316 Jobs

Romanian labor minister Marian Sarbu said Wednesday that after the reorganization of the agencies and institutions subordinated to the ministry 1,316 jobs will be cut which would save RON30 million in wage spending a year (EUR1=RON4.2239).


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Romanian Labor Ministry To Cut 1,316 Jobs

The labor minister said that of the 14 agencies subordinated to the ministry ten will be reorganized and one will disappear. Sarbu said restructuring will target occupied positions, not vacant ones. 

The National Agency for Family Protection, the Pilot Center for assistance and protection of the family violence victims, the Center for family assistance, the National Authority for the Protection of Children's Rights will become one agency that will be named the National Agency for the Protection of Family and Children’s Rights, with a total of 82 positions, after a 20% cut. 

The labor minister said he will discuss with the representatives of public servants about the best reorganization criteria that should be adopted, from a social point of view.

Asked whether he considered resorting to forced retirement, along with job cuts, the minister said this issue will be on his work agenda and could represent one of the criteria. He said the ones that meet the retirement conditions will not be taken into account.

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