Romanian Lawmakers Reject Request To Suspend Chamber Of Deputies’ Speaker

Romania's Chamber of Deputies committee for legal matters rejected Tuesday 14 to nine votes and one abstention the request of social democrats and liberals to suspend Chamber Speaker Roberta Anastase for 30 days.


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Romanian Lawmakers Reject Request To Suspend Chamber Of Deputies’ Speaker

Lawmakers in the committee came to the conclusion Anastase did not infringe the Chamber's Regulation and should not be sanctioned, said the committee's chairman, democrat liberal Daniel Buda.

Buda said the lawmakers cast secret votes and decided Anastase should not be suspended for 30 days as social democrats and liberals requested.

The National Liberal Party and the Social Democratic Party notified the Chamber's committee for legal matters regarding the way Anastase presided over a plenary meeting of the Chamber of Deputies debating the report of the parliamentary committee investigating Tourism Minister Elena Udrea.

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