Romanian Leftist Ex-PM Wants Court Day To Prove Innocence

Romanian social democrat MP Adrian Nastase said Friday in a debate on the amendment of the Constitution that he will ask the Parliament to recommend the sending of his criminal investigation files to court.


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Romanian Leftist Ex-PM Wants Court Day To Prove Innocence

Nastase said he will ask the Parliament to recommend sending these files to court, as these files are based on political reasons, not guilt and felonies.

The legal committee of Romanian Chamber of Deputies on Wednesday decided 10 to 9 votes not to file a report requesting lawmakers’ approval to prosecute former premier and current lawmaker Adrian Nastase on corruption charges.
Leftist social democrats rejected with 10 votes the move to prosecute fellow member Nastase, while democrat liberal deputies cast nine votes in favor of starting criminal investigation against him. 
The members of National Liberal Party and those of the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania, or UDMR, were either absent or declined to vote in the matter.
Romania’s prosecutor general Laura Codruta Kovesi requested approval from the Chamber of Deputies to prosecute Nastase in connection with several bribery investigations.
Nastase repeatedly denied any wrongdoing, saying the allegations were politically motivated.

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