The Executive Office of the National Union decided in Monday’s meeting to organize a large protest in the second half of February, in front of the Romanian Government, and to start the labor conflict based on Law 168/1999, according to a statement of the unionists.
The judicial department of the union will ensure judicial consultancy for public servants, members and non-members of the union who were affected by the governmental decisions, and will continue to press charges against the employers in the public administration for not granting the rights stipulated by the law.
“The union will not give up the 50% increase in public servants’ wages, the protection of public servants in control institutions, the stability in public office,” the statement read.
According to Law 188/1999 on the work relations of public servants, they have the right to a base salary, a bonus for the position they fill and a bonus for the wage group for the activity performed in public interest.
“We are demanding the Government led by Emil Boc to take into account the irrevocable decision recognizing the rights of public servants in court, especially the 25% bonus for the job and the 25% bonus for the wage group, as well as to have the sums specified for these rights in the 2009 state budget,” the unionists said.
According to the union, the Parliament decided on the rights of public servants, and the courthouses established their amount, while the Government should grant these rights to ensure the good functioning of the state and the recognition of state powers.
The economic crisis will increase the number of cases in which economic operators break the law, which calls for a consolidation of control institutions by approving the special status for the Financial Guard, the Fiscal Administration, the Labor Inspection, the National Environment Guard and the Consumers Protection, to discourage tax evasion, black labor, economic and financial indiscipline and to ensure revenues to the state budget.
According to official sources, public sector employees will not get a wage hike higher than 5%, which represents the inflation rate.