Romanian Liberal VP Snaps At Govt Magyars' Kosovo Stance
Liberal senator Norica Nicolai said on Thursday that the Hungarian minority party UDMR has to assume responsibility for the lack of solidarity with the Romanian government with respect to the Kosovo independence matter.
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Nicolai said this issue called for government to prove its solidarity, as the decision was of utmost importance because it viewed the country’s position to foreign policy. “The government showed it is not on the same page in what important decision are concerned,” said the official.
On Monday evening, after the parliament adopted a statement saying it does not acknowledge the independence of the Kosovo province, UDMR head Marko Bela said party members voted against the statement, considering that the only rational solution is to recognize the province’s independence.
On Tuesday, Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu said he does not want Kosovo issues regarding minorities to generate a reaction that might throw Romania 20 years back and added UDMR representatives did not compare the Kosovo minority situation with that of Romania.
Liberal vice-president Ludovic Orban on Wednesday said that the Hungarian party has to observe the principle of government solidarity in the Kosovo matter if it wants to still be part of government.
“UDMR is part of the government structures and needs to prove its solidarity to the decisions the forum makes,” Orban said.
On Sunday, UDMR said the declaration of independence of Serbia’s breakaway province of Kosovo is a natural consequence of changes in Central Europe and Western Balkans and that Romania “should not postpone recognizing the province”.
UDMR said the party is for the "solution of ethnic problems using peaceful means” and hail the “active involvement of the European Union in seeking solutions for Kosovo".
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