Romanian Liberals, Democrat Liberal Leaders Had First Talks After Elections

The head of the Romanian National Liberal Party, Calin Tariceanu, said Saturday after the meeting with leaders of the Democrat Liberal Party “things did not go smoothly for a first talk”, and insisted on the liberals’ desire to have the Prime Minister of the next Government appointed from their party.


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Liberals, Democrat Liberal Leaders Have First Talks After Elections


"For a first talk, I’d say things did not go smoothly, as each party has a mandate that it must normally observe. As for the National Liberal Party, I had to refer explicitly to the mandate assigned by the Central Standing Office, which regards creating a strong position for the party in the future Government, represented by the Prime Minister position,” Tariceanu said.

Tariceanu said before an understanding is reached between the liberals and the democrat liberals, the two parties must agree upon political aspects too.

He added the liberals and the democrat liberals will meet again in the following days.

“We will meet again in the following days, depending on each party’s capacity to reach a compromise,” Tariceanu said.

He said the economic agendas of the two parties are compatible, if “absurd ideas such as hiking teachers’ wages by 50% are left out”.

Tariceanu mentioned he talked with the democrat liberal leaders about a series of political issues, such as “the constitutional architecture”, the electoral law and the presidential elections.

“We talked about maintaining the current constitutional architecture, creating a real independent system of justice eliminating any politically influential factor, amending the electoral law. We disagree with the idea of a unicameral Parliament. There are things we cannot avoid in a direct talk, such as the situation after the 2009 elections,” Tariceanu said.

“We want to know if this coalition we’re talking about has limited validity, until after the presidential elections, or can extend beyond the presidential elections,” he said, adding that liberals and democrat liberals have much in common, "to an important extent".


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