Romanian Liberals’ Governing Agenda Eyes EUR800 Avg Wage

The head of the Romanian Liberal Party, Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu, and liberal finance minister Varujan Vosganian presented Friday the objectives of the future governing agenda, targeting seven priority areas, including an average gross wage of EUR800 and average pensions of EUR350.


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Romanian Liberals’ Governing Agenda Eyes EUR800 Avg Wage

"We have seven priorities meant to create a strong Romania. We were speaking earlier about salaries and pensions and a European country cannot be a country where pensioners and employees earn third world pensions and wages. The pension policy is not a social policy for a very simple reason: pensions are not a social security contribution from the Government, but are based on employee contributions. We have set two realistic objectives: a gross average salary of EUR800 and an average pension of EUR350 by the year 2012," Tariceanu said.

He added he wants Romania to become the seventh economic power in Europe, a respected state and an important factor in decision making.

In his turn, Vosganian said the liberals’ governing agenda is marked by continuity.

"Our agenda is an element of continuity and the primary objective is the continuation of economic growth. Now we are at a gross domestic product per capita of  EUR630, and in 2010 we will reach a GDP per capita of EUR10,000. We wish to bring in funding worth over EUR100 billion between 2009 and 2012, and to allocate, in the near future, EUR25 billion for infrastructure," Vosganian said, adding "the liberal Government’s greatest achievement is the fact that it created, between 2005 and 2008, over 600,000 new jobs."

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