Romanian Local Councils Obliged To Lease Lands For Student Hostels - Senate

The Romanian Senate tacitly adopted a draft law stating local councils are obliged to lease to universities, for 49 years, lands for the building of three-star student hostels.


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Romanian Local Councils Obliged To Lease Lands For Student Hostels - Senate

The Senate adopted tacitly the draft law initiated by Greater Romania Party senators Gheorghe Funar, Verginia Vedinas and Aurel Ardelean. The deadline for adoption expired last week.
According to the draft, to fix the “accommodation issue”, student hostels would be built in 2008 and 2009 with the support of the government and local authorities.
"Upon request by state or private universities, local councils are obliged to lease lands in view of building student hostels,” the draft states.
The draft also stipulates the lease should be for 49 at a price ranging from EUR2 and EUR10 per square meter, and the value of the land is to be set by decision of the local council.
The normative act also sets that the funds needed for investments should come from the Ministry of education for state universities, or donations or loans for private universities.
Standards for the hostels should be similar to those of three-star hotels and the buildings should be functional and accommodate students by 2010, the draft also states.
The Senate is the first chamber notified and the decision maker is the Chamber of Deputies.

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