Romanian Local Election Candidates May Type Candidacy Entry

Candidacy literature, submitted by candidates in the Romanian local elections, can be typed on a computer, but the documents need to be dated and signed in hand writing, according to a decision made by the Central Electoral Office (BEC), in its first meeting.


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Romanian Local Election Candidates May Type Candidacy Entry

"In today’s meeting (Tuesday -e.n.) we have discussed a decision interpreting the law on the method of filling in the candidacy literature and we have established that the statement of candidacy acceptance can be typed on a computer, but it needs to be dated and signed in hand writing," said the BEC spokesperson Marian Muhulet, at the end of the meeting.
He explained that in previous elections, candidates wrote these statements by hand.
Muhulet added that BEC is meant solely to watch over and organize the elections and interpret the law, while branch electoral offices have a much more important role.
The next BEC meeting will take place Thursday, March 27, at 12.00 local time, when the electoral insignia of political parties will be reviewed and later sent for publishing in the Official Gazette.

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