Romanian Lower House Adopts Decree On Incentives For State Employees

Romania’s Chamber of Deputies Tuesday adopted a government emergency decree regarding the payment of bonuses and incentives in the public sector.


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Romanian Lower House Adopts Decree On Incentives For State Employees

The decree, which adds an average level of the bonuses and incentives granted in 2009 to employees' gross salaries thus raising wages, was adopted with 209 votes in favor, 12 against and 66 abstentions.

Finance Minister Gheorghe Ialomiteanu hailed the lawmakers' vote saying an unfair remuneration system has been corrected.

Hundreds of Finance Ministry employees protested last week for two days running, disgruntled they had not received their wage bonuses and incentives for the past two months. Their action quickly spread to branches and offices across the country and thousands of other public sector employees joined demonstrations.

Fiscal administration head Sorin Blejnar said Saturday authorities have set performance criteria for the granting of incentives, which are not negotiable. He said an employee may get as much as three wages as a bonus for efficiency or no bonus at all.

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