Romanian “Malware” Hackers Remain In Custody For Another 29 Days

The magistrates within the Romanian Pitesti Court of Appeal decided, Monday, to extend by another 29 days the arrest warrants issued for the 20 hackers arrested in the "Malware" case in Ramnicu Valcea.


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Romanian “Malware” Hackers Remain In Custody For Another 29 Days


According to Cristian Galateanu, spokesperson for the Pitesti Court of Appeal, the judges, after studying the files and listening to the defense attorneys, felt further investigations are needed and the suspects should be maintained in custody.

The "Malware" Action – named after the generic term of files, sent through the internet, that damage computers when they are accessed – resulted in the arrest of several people, captures of IT equipment and money, seizures of villas, apartments and luxury cars.

The members of the network broke into systems and bank accounts, after which they organized fictitious auctions on various websites, thus obtaining over EUR400,000, which they used to buy villas, condos and luxury cars.

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