Romanian Medicine Distributors, Importers Demand Imported Drug Price Recalculation

Romanian medicine distributors warned that the situation of imported medicine found on the compensated list and included in the National Programs is not solved, and demanded the immediate recalculation of the price for the mentioned products.


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Romanian Medicine Distributors, Importers Demand Imported Drug Price Recalculation

The Romanian Association of Medicine Distributors and Importers (ADIM) the Romanian Association of Medicine Distributors (ADMR) said that even though the Ministry of Health announced, after meeting the producers, a solution to the medicine crisis, the things accomplished so far represent only one step towards price updates.
"So far we have a principle agreement with the international producers, but we are preoccupied with the duration of this agreement. Seeing that medicine stocks are critical in stores, the Ministry of Public Health preferred avoiding the legally mentioned easy way to solve the current crisis," s ADIM and ADMR presidents Robert Popescu and Viorel Vasile said in a press release.
Romanian medicine distributors and importers ask the Ministry of Public Health to immediately enact the measures that would allow the resuming of imported medicine supply in pharmacies.

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