Romanian MEP Vadim Tudor Invokes Immunity In Criminal Investigation

Romanian MEP Corneliu Vadim Tudor, who is under criminal investigation for assault and disobeying court orders, appeared Friday before the prosecutors of the Supreme Court, but refused to make any statement, invoking his immunity as member of the European Parliament.


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Romanian MEP Vadim Tudor Invokes Immunity In Criminal Investigation

Tudor's attorney, Mariana Stefan, said the charge of assault was changed to disturbing the peace. The charge of disobeying a court order still stands. Tudor and his defense argued that the events of January 4 constituted political action, therefore there are grounds for invoking immunity as MEP.

On the other hand, people close to the matter said the charge of assault has not been dropped and Tudor will be investigated for "his attitude regarding the police officers" present during his party's evacuation, as well as offenses against the judicial executor.

Stefan said she requested a halt to the criminal proceedings until the European Parliament votes to lift Tudor's immunity.

On Monday, Tudor was charged with assault and disobeying court orders in the case of the Greater Romania Party's evacuation from their headquarters. The evacuation began on January 4 in the presence of court executor Paula Daniela Somaldoc and police officers, and was marked by rows, clashes between authorities and party members and ridden with expletives.

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