Romanian MEP Vadim Tudor Referred To Prosecution Office Over Allegedly False Income Statements

Romania’s integrity agency ANI has referred far-right Greater Romania Party leader and MEP Corneliu Vadim Tudor to the General Prosecutors’ Office for alleged false statements in declaring his income for 2006 - 2008.


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Romanian MEP Vadim Tudor Referred To Prosecution Office Over Allegedly False Income Statements

The integrity agency, an EU-required body that screens the wealth and statements of interest of people holding public office, has said Thursday it has reason to believe Vadim Tudor may have given false statements regarding his income.

The agency has referred Vadim Tudor's case to prosecutors and the country's tax authority ANAf for further investigation.

The agency checked Vadim Tudor's wealth statement following an article in Kamikaze magazine that said the politician may have not declared and paid taxes on income from intellectual property.

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