Romanian Officer Injured In Afghanistan

A Romanian officer was injured Friday morning in Afghanistan, in the explosion of an improvised device, some 50 kilometers southwest of Lagman Base, the Romanian Ministry of Defense said.


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Romanian Officer Injured In Afghanistan


Lieutenant-colonel Augustin-Nicusor Pegulescu, 42, was part of a Romanian-American patrol when their armored vehicle drove over an improvised explosive device that exploded.
Pegulescu was rushed to the military hospital in Qalat with an open fracture in the left leg and injury in the left arm. The ministry’s press bureau said he is medically stable and conscious.
A week ago, another Romanian soldier was injured in Afghanistan and is currently in the military hospital in Ramstein.
Romania, a European Union and NATO member, participates with troops in missions in Afghanistan within actions under the coordination of the United Nations, the European Union and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.


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