Romanian Official In Food Industry Urges VAT Cut For Food Products

Sorin Minea, head of the employers’ federation in the food industry Romalimenta, urged the government to adopt the measure regarding a cut in the value added tax food products, stressing this is the only way to keep food prices unchanged.


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Romanian Official In Food Industry Urges Vat Cut For Food Products


Minea said a lower VAT rate for food products would allow Romania to align to the other EU countries, stressing the country’s 19% VAT rate is one of the highest worldwide.
"Given the upcoming unprecedented increase in prices for food products worldwide, we think the government’s best decision in this respect would be to adopt the measure regarding the VAT cut," said Minea, adding this measure is one of the few measures with no inflationist effects.
Minea said any restrictive cut only for certain groups and categories of food products can only trigger profiteering, not a decrease in food prices.

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