Romanian Online Retailers, Hard Discounters Seen Flourishing In 2010

The year 2010 will be more difficult for retailers, while hard discount and online stores networks are the only ones seen flourishing, according to retail companies’ representatives in Romania.


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Romanian Online Retailers, Hard Discounters Seen Flourishing In 2010

"As for 2010, it will be a more difficult year, but will be a favorable year for hard discount stores networks, the only format subject to investments in the upcoming period," Alexandru Vlad, CEO of retailer Selgros Romania, said Tuesday during "Romania 2009 Retail Forum", organized by MEDIAFAX.

Vlad said that the massive hard discount stores networks estimated to enter the market, correlated with the decrease of prices for lands in certain areas, will totally change the retail scene in 2010.

At the same time, representatives of the Association of Large Retail Networks in Romania, or AMRCR, consider that online networks sales will increase next year.

"The weight of sales reported in online stores is getting bigger and bigger," Adrian Manolache, AMRCR secretary general, stated.

The major players in the Romanian discount sector are Profi, Pludi Market, Rewe and MiniMax Discount.

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