Romanian Opposition To Boycott President’s Speech In Parliament

Publicat: 27 06. 2011, 12:22
Actualizat: 12 11. 2012, 21:28

The opposition leader said Basescu has proven incapable of achieving dialog during the latest meeting with the opposition.

According to Ponta, the head of state failed to explain why he opposes the idea of creating a tripartite anti-crisis committee made up of representatives of the ruling coalition, opposition and the central bank, aimed to discuss economic and social measures needed to deal with the crisis.

Ponta said the opposition will boycott the president’s speech, even though he decided to postpone discussions on the country’s administrative and territorial organization. He added the Union hopes Basescu will renounce his administrative reorganization plan.

Mid-June, Basescu sent the heads of the Parliament’s standing offices a letter saying he wishes to address the legislature on matters of home affairs on June 27. He also extended an invitation to political parties for a discussion on the revised Constitution and the country’s administrative reorganization, on June 21.

Opposition leaders attended the meeting and told the head of state the union is willing to support a technocratic Government, and called for early parliamentary elections. They proposed the setting up of an anti-crisis economic committee by July 15, made up of representatives of the ruling coalition, opposition and the central bank.

Basescu said in response to the proposition presented by Ponta, that holding early parliamentary elections would drag the country to political instability and stressed he would not support any propositions that weaken the country’s political stability.