Romanian Organized Crime Police Arrest Drug Ring Member

Romania’s organized crime police (DIICOT) arrested a man involved in a major drug ring, whose next mission was to smuggle in dozens of kilograms of heroin from Turkey.


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Romanian Organized Crime Police Arrest Drug Ring Member

Organized crime officers placed Ioan Vranceanu under arrest for 24 hours on charges of high-risk drug traffic and drug trafficking attempt.

Prosecutors said that, in 2009, Vranceanu became a member of a criminal group involved in drug trafficking, illegal use of firearms and weapon heist.

Organized crime prosecutors called on judges to issue a 29-day arrest warrant against the drug dealer.

On December 28, 2009, the Bucharest Court placed under preventive arrest for 29 days 14 of the group's members, in a case regarding the weapon heist at the Ciorogarla military base, near capital city Bucharest. The 14 suspects were also charged with high-risk drug trafficking.

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