Romanian Orthodox Church Against Introducing Presumed Consent In Transplant Law

The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church on Thursday rejected the request of conservative senator Irinel Popescu to amend the transplant law by introducing the system of presumed consent for organ donation.


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Romanian Orthodox Church Against Introducing Presumed Consent In Transplant Law

The system of presumed consent for organ donation stipulates that any person kept alive artificially can become automatically and without the consent of relatives’an organ donor if they never expressed their disagreement in this respect during their life time.

Nonetheless, the Orthodox Church encourages the voluntary donation of organs and the introduction of the donor’s card.

Constantin Stoica, the spokesperson of the Romanian Patriarchy said that the Holy Synod thinks the transplant law has to be maintained in its current form so that it does not encourage abuses.

“The introduction of the presumed consent system might lead to abuses being committed. The Orthodox Church encourages people to volunteer to donate their organs after they die and also militates for the introduction of the donor card, but cannot agree with the presumed consent proposal,” father Stoica said.

The National Transplant Agency is currently struggling to legalize the presumed consent system.

Victor Zota, the head of the Transplant Agency said that the church is violating the Constitution by opposing the introduction of the presumed consent for organ donation. Apart from Denmark, Germany, Slovenia, Romania and England all countries have opted to introduce the system.

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