Romanian Orthodox Church Continues To Observe Law On Securitate Files -Official

The Romanian Orthodox Church (BOR) will continue to observe law 24/2008 on the access to the files of former communist secret police Securitate and exposure of the Securitate, under the form pending adoption in Parliament, hoping any action in this respect will be guided by truth, BOR spokesperson Constantin Stoica said Wednesday.


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Romanian Orthodox Church Continues To Observe Communist Securitate Law

The committee for legal matters within the Chamber of Deputies Tuesday adopted an amendment proposed by social democrat MP PSD Eugen Nicolicea, which says the heads of religious cults recognized by law, including priests and other religious staff within parishes throughout the country and abroad, should not be subject to checkups conducted by the country’s authority in charge with granting access to the Securitate files, or CNSAS, based on the right to access public interest information.
However, Stoica stressed this was the lawmakers’ initiative, not BOR’s.
CNSAS has already checked 80% of total clerics, according to its statistics, which also indicate that out of 60 clerics subject to checkups, 53 of them did not collaborate with the Securitate.
The amendment was adopted with nine "pros" and six “cons."

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